Saatnya bermuhasabah

Bila diri
dikelilingi para pencinta tuhan
memang teramat mudah
mengajak diri beramal  soleh
sehingga lupa menjaga niat
sampai Allah memberi teguran
melalui nikmat yang Dia hilangkan tiba-tiba
diri tersedar dari leka
amal soleh sudah banyak tercatat
tapi untuk redha Allah
atau redha manusia?

Sungguh amat rugi
diri yang mencari redha manusia

Sungguh lebih baik
berkata tidak dari berkira-kira

Sungguh aku bersyukur
Allah, Kau masih mahu memberi peringatan 

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Wahai orang-orang yang beriman. bertakwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap orang memperhatikan apa yang telah diperbuat untuk hari esok (akhirat), dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sungguh Allah maha teliti terhadap apa yang kamu kerjakan…..

…Dan janganlah kamu seperti orang-orang yang lupa kepada Allah, sehingga Allah menjadikan mereka lupa akan diri sendiri. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik”

(Q.S. Al-Hasyr : 18-19)

Aku pun ingin dicintai

Rasulullah SAW pernah ditegur oleh isterinya, Aisyah. Baginda tidak pernah putus bersembahyang sunat malam hari sehingga menyebabkan kaki baginda bengkak dan air mata membasahi wajahnya. Aisyah bertanya: "Bukankah Allah telah mengampunkan dosamu yang terdahulu dan yang akan datang? Kenapa masih melakukan sedemikian? Jawab Baginda: "Salahkah aku menjadi seorang hamba yang bersyukur?"
Hebat kisahmu hai sang kekasih
sumber tauladan para pencinta tuhan
engkau mengajar kami
bahawa hamba yang bersyukur
adalah hamba yang mengabdikan diri pada tuhannya
ia membalas segala nikmat yang dimiliki
dengan melaksanakan segala perintah-Nya
dan meninggalkan segala larangan-Nya

Hai sang kekasih
sungguh tuhan kita Maha Pemurah
kepadaku diberikan nikmat pelbagai
tak terhitung betapa banyaknya
tak pernah putus walau sesaat
tak satu pun minta dibayar
tak sebanding dengan nilai syukurku
yang sekelumit cuma

Hai sang kekasih
kisahmu dan kisahku
andai dibandingkan
bagai langit dan bumi
apa lagi kalau kubandingkan
darjatmu dan darjatku
disisi tuhan kita

Hai sang kekasih
aku ingin mengulang kembali
semua kisah hebatmu
supaya aku pun sepertimu
dicintai dan diredhai tuhan!

"Dan syukurilah nikmat Allah jika kamu sungguh-sungguh menyembah kepadaNya." - (Surah an-Nahl, ayat 114) 
Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmatKu), maka sesungguhnya azabKu sangat pedih (Ibrahim: 7)
Dan barangsiapa yang bersyukur (kepada Allah), maka sesungguhnya ia bersyukur untuk dirinya sendiri (Luqman: 12)

Yahoo! Mail in danger!

This morning as usual I logged in to my Yahoo! Mail account. But before I can logged in, I received a warning message from Yahoo as my account has been detected to be compromised by unknown party. An account is considered “compromised” when someone knows your password and has logged in to your account without your permission.

I think it will be good to share the message here, because it is kind of important thing that should be known by all email users to keep their account privacy. Details can be found at:

Password Help

Last Updated: November 12, 2009
Yahoo! strongly recommends that you change your Yahoo! login password if your Yahoo! account has been compromised. We suspect that the people who compromise the security of Yahoo! accounts will use them to send spam. These unwanted messages can be sent to the contacts saved in your Yahoo! account services: Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Mail, and Yahoo! Profiles.
If you believe your account has been compromised, you should change your password immediately.
To make it easier to remember passwords, it is common for people to use the same or similar passwords on each system, such as their birthday or the name of their pet or relative. Simple passwords make it easier for others to guess them. Some people use automated programs that run through common words to guess passwords.
If someone gains access to your email account, they can pretend to be you and send mail to your contacts asking them to send you money or divulge other personal information. They can read all of your email, and in the process, discover a lot about your finances if you have electronic statements delivered to your email. Also, if they know your email password, they can try to use it to access your online banking and other accounts. When you use the same password for more than one account, you make it easier for someone to break into all of your accounts.
To make it more difficult for someone to guess your password or prevent them from guessing it, we recommend that you create strong passwords. Doing so helps keep your accounts secure and safe from prying eyes.
Here are some common questions and answers about compromised accounts.
A. For a password to be strong, follow these tips:
  • Don’t use the same password for more than one website.
  • Don’t use the same password you have used before on this site.
  • Avoid using a complete word or name.
  • Use at least 7 characters—the more the better but no more than 31 characters.
  • Use a combination of characters from each of the following groups:
  • Don’t use personal information that someone could easily figure out, and don’t use your Yahoo! ID in any form (reversed, capitalized, doubled, and so forth).
  • You can learn more about choosing a strong password by reviewing the information at the Yahoo! Security Center.
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